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Old Futures- Speculative Fiction and Queer Possibility



Traverses the history of imagined futures from the 1890s to the 2010s, interweaving speculative visions of gender, race, and sexuality from literature, film, and digital media
Old Futures explores the social, political, and cultural forces feminists, queer people, and people of color invoke when they dream up alternative futures as a way to imagine transforming the present. Lothian shows how queer possibilities emerge when we practice the art of speculation: of imagining things otherwise than they are and creating stories from that impulse. Queer theory offers creative ways to think about time, breaking with straight and narrow paths toward the future laid out for the reproductive family, the law-abiding citizen, and the believer in markets. Yet so far it has rarely considered the possibility that, instead of a queer present reshaping the ways we relate to past and future, the futures imagined in the past can lead us to queer the present.?
Narratives of possible futures provide frameworks through which we understand our present, but the discourse of “the” future has never been a singular one. Imagined futures have often been central to the creation and maintenance of imperial domination and technological modernity; Old Futures offers a counterhistory of works that have sought––with varying degrees of success––to speculate otherwise. Examining speculative texts from the 1890s to the 2010s, from Samuel R. Delany to Sense8, Lothian considers the ways in which early feminist utopias and dystopias, Afrofuturist fiction, and queer science fiction media have insisted that the future can and must deviate from dominant narratives of global annihilation or highly restrictive hopes for redemption.
Each chapter chronicles some of the means by which the production and destruction of futures both real and imagined takes place: through eugenics, utopia, empire, fascism, dystopia, race, capitalism, femininity, masculinity, and many kinds of queerness, reproduction, and sex. Gathering stories of and by populations who have been marked as futureless or left out by dominant imaginaries, Lothian offers new insights into what we can learn from efforts to imaginatively redistribute the future.

  • 作者: Lothian, Alexis
  • 原文出版社:New York Univ Pr
  • 出版日期:2018/09/25
  • 語言:英文

Old Futures- Speculative Fiction and Queer Possibility


民進黨 30 日正式通過徵召綠委姚文智參選台北市長,前總統陳水扁透過「新勇哥物語」發文指出,姚文智的民調目前還落後一大截,「贏的策略只能鞏固基本盤。」

「新勇哥物語」- 122 全文如下:


勇哥:最重要的是不能「假提名、真放水」,在蔡主席卓越帶領下,民進黨全黨上下不分派系,無論禮讓派或自提派,都能捐棄成見,團結力量大!千萬不要再發生 2014 年新北市長選舉,新系操盤手以游錫堃民調嚴重落後,主席答應最後二天兩場造勢晚會及陪同掃街拜票行程臨時取消,卻跑去彰化新系候選人魏明谷的場子,形同放游錫堃鴿子,開票結果只輸2萬4千票,多麼可惜!

勇弟:聽說未被提名的呂副人在國外要跟民進黨說 bye ! 會不會是姚文智參選的另一個變數?阿扁會跟進嗎?



勇哥:黃委員說的沒錯,問題是台北市長選舉談政見與理念有用嗎? 1998 年台北市長選舉結束後的《聯合報》民調,阿扁的施政滿意度還有 76% ,卻只有46%的得票率,阿扁的連任失利顯然不是因為市長做不好!謝長廷、宋楚瑜、蘇貞昌的城市治理能力,以及亮麗的政績,絕對不會輸給郝龍斌,為什麼謝宋蘇就是贏不了台北市長選舉?即使以黃國昌選上汐止地區的委員為例,如果沒有民進黨的禮讓會贏嗎?有人說黃贏在太陽花學運,但 2014 年 3 月 18 日前一年,這些學運青年已經在做反服貿的抗爭,又有誰知道?假如沒有占領國會殿堂引發政治效應,又假如沒有馬王政爭,會有太陽花的後續發展嗎?

勇弟:阿扁寫過與總統大選有關的《 45% 與 5% 的選擇》文章,意思就是說,民進黨在總統大選的基本盤 45% ,為了能夠過半當選,是把原來的45%放著,只爭另外的5%,結果5%拿不到,原來的 % 又不保;還是為了增加 5% ,先固守 45% 的基本盤,再靠這 45% 去拉另外的 5% ,所謂「基本盤極大化」?

勇哥:謝長廷是前者,阿扁則是後者。姚文智贏的策略究竟要學謝還是學陳? 24 年阿扁選市長的民調一路領先,可以高唱快樂希望;今天姚文智的民調還落後一大截,贏的策略只能鞏固基本盤。





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