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Your Child’s Voice- A Caregiver’s Guide to Advocating for Kids With Special Needs, Disabilities, or Others Who May Fall Through



商品訊息描述 It can be overwhelming and scary for parents to not only find out what is wrong with their child, but also get the treatment and support needed. This process can take years, with parents growing increasingly frustrated, as their child’s case appears to be falling through the cracks. Many parents find it intimidating dealing with medical professionals who seem to speak a different language.’Your Child’s Voice’ will empower parents of children with mild to moderate disabilities be the voice for their child. Too often parents are left on their own trying to navigate a complex system of diagnosis and treatment for children with special needs – especially children with less obvious needs. Drawing on the author’s experience as a patient advocate and ongoing journey of getting support for her own son, this book will include personal stories of fighting to ensure his file didn’t get lost in the system, the challenges of getting support in school, getting the tests needed in a timely manner as well as exercises and checklists to help caregivers prepare for appointments and ask for help.

  • 作者: Lockrey, Cynthia
  • 原文出版社:Self Counsel Pr
  • 出版日期:2018/09/04
  • 語言:英文

Your Child’s Voice- A Caregiver’s Guide to Advocating for Kids With Special Needs, Disabilities, or Others Who May Fall Through





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